New Cigna Dental DHMO Information

Below, you'll find the dental plan presentation as well as other important information available for download.

List of DHMO Providers Our Members are Currently Using

In this attachment, you will find a list of DHMO dentists, complete with address and contact information, that our active members utilize. The list is sorted by the number of claims in the 2017-18 year. The top represents the most claims.

Retired Teachers Presentation 2018

This is the powerpoint presentation delivered on May 16 for RTAL members at the TAL office. The DHMO and PPO annual rates for the 2018-19 fiscal year are on slide 4. This attachment also has a detailed description of how to find a DHMO dentist or check is yours is a DHMO.

Find a DHMO Dentist

The steps on this sheet explain how to search for a dentist on When asked to "select a plan", you choose DHMO. For a more detailed description, see slides 8-15 in the "Retired Teachers Presentation 2018"

Cigna DHMO Enrollment Form

Download and fill out this new Cigna DHMO enrollment form to participate in the new plan.

A2I09- Payment Schedule (New)

This attachment shows the amount in copay our members will pay for all possible procedures. This can be compared to our old payment schedule, K1I09.

K1I09- Payment Schedule (Old)

This attachment shows the amount in copay our members WOULD HAVE PAID under the old the DHMO. This can be compared to the new schedule, A2I09.