60 years. A lot can change in 60 years. 60 years ago, Bye Bye Birdie and The Great Escape were playing in movie theaters. Jan and Dean were singing “Surf City” on the radio. John F. Kennedy was President of the United States. And the Teachers’ Association of Lindenhurst was born.
At that time, teachers barely made a living wage, and benefits were virtually nonexistent. Teachers’ unions changed that. Unions allowed the teaching profession to compete with other professions, attracting more qualified applicants as a result. We are all benefiting from that result today.
We rarely consider the times that we live in to be a Golden Age. It is an uncomfortable thought to consider that things are simply as good as they have ever been, and perhaps will ever be. It is more attractive to consider that things will only get better. Consider this. Perhaps both possibilities are not mutually exclusive. We can have both. We can embrace all of the wonderful things that our profession has had to offer, as well as search for improvements.
Change is inevitable. This year, TAL is witnessing a change to our Executive Council for the first time under the current leadership. We have a new Second Vice President. For those of you who do not know our new Second Vice President, I encourage you to speak with those who do. You will receive nothing but positive remarks.
We will also see changes in Central Administration. I have a very good feeling about the direction that the District has taken. Call it what you wish. A gut feeling. A sixth sense. Perhaps it is because TAL leadership has worked well with the current leadership in the past. Perhaps it is simply due to the fact that I prefer resolving grievances and settling contracts to making friends. I am pleased to say that discussions are already occurring.
On this day after Labor Day, I encourage everyone to consider all of the wonderful things that we have accomplished over the years. I also encourage you to consider that there is always room for improvement. This may be as good as it gets for some of us. It also may be that our profession is in need of change. I suggest that it is more likely a combination of both. It all depends on how we choose to approach what is truly the greatest profession on the planet. Have a great year, everyone!
Respectfully Submitted,
Michael Pastore